DAIN Studios is a Finnish-German data and AI consultancy established in 2016. DAIN Studios’ services are designed to answer the fundamental challenges companies are facing during their transformation to a data-driven organization. From strategy to implementation, from optimizing operations to creating new growth, the DAIN Studios team supports companies throughout their journey. Rated as “one of the five best AI consultancies” in the country, by Technology Industries of Finland, DAIN Studios continues to empower businesses from their very first data journey to excelling at Artificial Intelligence solutions.
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The Helsinki Data Science Meetup is a meetup series which started in 2016 as a physical event. During the pandemic, it wasn't possible to hold physical events anymore. We moved the meeting to an online format and quickly realized that we can create a new platform of exchange which can be consumed from all over Europe.
It was an absolute success. It was the biggest Helsinki Data Science Meetup since the beginning of the series with over 1500 registrations and over 530 attendees. The scalability of the event was impressive.
The project has indirectly received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme through the STADIEM project (Grant Agreement 957321)