N3XTCODER breaks down barriers between the social impact sector and digital expertise. Born in 2016, their vision is to inspire top digital talents to create the best solutions for a better future. Their interdisciplinary team of designers, software developers, and impact pioneers work together to improve the status quo and make a positive impact.

Brand we ♥ and work with

Update Deutschland, Hackathon Ipad

The campaign

Update Deutschland is a 48-hours digital sprint that gathered thousands of citizens, activists, founders, developers, decision-makers from the federal, state and local governments to tackle multiple challenges posed by the pandemic in Germany.

The results

Using our proprietary media wall system, we designed a custom layout for the Update Deutschland hackathon. Each tile on our media wall was interactive and hosted a multitude of content including YouTube, live streams, Zoom, Instagram & Twitter feeds, agendas, Typeform, CTAs, sponsored links, and social backlinks.